2024-03-04 19:15

LongeVC Sponsoring Aging Research & Drug Discovery Meeting 2024

Research into longevity and aging has advanced significantly in recent years, due to the rise of AI and various scientific explorations, like studying the genetics of longevity, examining lifestyle factors, and discovering new drugs. These emerging compounds offer hope for extending healthy lifespans, while the intersection of genomics and regenerative medicine holds the potential for transformative breakthroughs.

The Research & Drug Discovery Meeting has been a platform for sharing the latest discoveries and research advancements for over a decade. We are pleased to announce that LongeVC, along with Insilico Medicine and Alex Zahoronkov's Longevity Pledge, will be the tier-1 sponsor of this year's event.

The conference will take place from 26-30 August 2024 at the University of Copenhagen. If you plan to attend, please send us a message, and we will be happy to connect. To learn more, visit