
Sergey Jakimov on The Microdose Diet Podcast

LongeVC co-founder and partner Sergey Jakimov joined The Microdose Diet podcast with host Peggy Van de Plassche to discuss the realities of investing in longevity. The conversation covered how venture capital shapes the future of biotech, the challenges startups face in developing treatments, and what it takes to bring real innovations to patients.

Sergey shared LongeVC’s investment philosophy: backing disease-modifying treatments that deliver measurable impact while advancing the broader understanding of aging. He also discussed how AI is shaping drug discovery and why longevity-focused companies need to balance bold ideas with real clinical outcomes.

The discussion looked at how venture capital can accelerate progress in biotech, the challenges in bringing longevity treatments to market, and what the next generation of therapies could mean for patients.

You can listen to the full episode here.